Can I just be Uschi Obermaeir without the heroin/speed habits and the dependancy on the men you're with as the determination of personality?

Uschi was a German model in the 60s who loved music and dancing and getting out of her head and was close with Keith Richards and Mick Jagger, and intimate with Jimi Hendrix. She was also involved with Kommune 1 because her boyfriend was Rainer Langhans, though she wasn't terribly political. Her soulmate was Dieter Bockhorn, who was kind of the king of Hamburg. He was a real wild man, going on expeditions to Africa, would water ski in the Hamburger port. The papers tried to make him into a pimp, but he wasn't, though he had a lot friends that were. He owned shops and would handpick many of the items. He had a monkey called Cheetah that got really jealous of Uschi. A bit later into their relationship, he had a cafe called "Adler" (Eagle). Together they bought a bus and made it so amazing that they received death threats and ultimatums, in exchange for the bus. I wish there were more pictures of the inside. They had a royal wedding in India and ended up in Mexico, where he eventually committed suicide, sick from love for Uschi, who refused to commit. On New Year's Eve he crashed his motorcycle into an oncoming truck. There is WAY MORE to this and it's all in her "auto"biography, but unfortunately that is only available in German at the time being. Since I can read German, I uhh read it. There's a movie out, though, it's called "Eight Miles High," or "The Wild Life" (the German title).
also this has been insanely inspiring. thanks to Lilu.

I've been thinking a lot about my aesthetic. Mainly about how narrow it is. I think one of my resolutions next year will be to broaden my aesthetic. I feel very limited within, though the passion I do feel for it is very intense.
Yesterday after work I biked to the South End with Nadia to meet her friends. It is so good be with west-coast'rs, we all have similar humour and I basically laughed the entire time. Probably at things that weren't even funny. One of them was so much San Francisco that it was painful in the homesick kinda way. They had just drunk a pitcher and we went to this candy/antique store that smelled like dust. Champaigne truffles among over-priced vinyl, feather fans, metal mermaid link purses 100 years old, big rings, lamps and books, gumdrops, chocolates and lollipops and souveniers. I bought my first Oscar Wilde. I'm waiting to read him until after I finish Dr. John's autobiography. Maybe another New Year's resolution can be to stop reading so many goddamn autobiographies and start educating myself on philosophy or reading classic cats like Wilde. He sold it to me for $3.
After that the two boys bought a 6 pack of Pabst and we sat on some stoop and laughed our ass-cheeks right off. Like Steven's story where he took methadone and blacked out and came to in an alley getting head from this guy who was taking him home on his bike and he took out his cellphone and called his friend and could only say "get here fast" over and over. or something. And realizing again how much fun the bay area is, especially when compared to Boston. They were sort of name-calling some people that passed us and gave us dirty looks, "puritans!" I don't know, Steven was wearing a pin on his knit sweater that said "I'm bi-sexual but no, I don't think you are attractive" and had these motorcycle boots that were so worn-in that they were more like slippers. He kind of reminded me of Joel Gion.
Oh! I got Tepid Peppermint Wonderland for Christmas! Also JJ Got Live RTX, and Howls From The Hills. As well as the cougar belt buckle and motorcycle boots and Lush Flying Fox shower gel and some other wonderous gifts.
Also I think "you're a stone fox" is probably the best compliment I've never heard. so get to it!